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Soon a house remodeling project presented Gary withhis first revolutionary product innovation. In every roomhe saw many cables for many uses but all with the samecolor which made it time-consuming and difficult forinstallers to keep track of their cables.
Why not, he thought, differentiate cable function withdifferent colors. Soon an industry standard was born.Liberty infamously went national with colored cableat the very next CEDIA Expo and created a hit not justfor the genius of its color coding, but also its durable,flexible, easy-to-pull jacket.
By 1998 Liberty started exporting products andcontinued to grow. Building on success, Liberty widenedits cable product range with pre-mades, connectors,custom and stock plates & panels, tools, racks, andpower management solutions.
A big milestone for Liberty was entering thebroadcast market and rising quickly in prominenceto become a trusted cable supplier for World CupSkiing in 2000 and 2001 and for the Olympicsin 2002.
In 2010 Liberty Wire & Cable became Liberty AVSolutions which kept the well respected brandof Liberty Wire & Cable for their cable productsbut allowed easy expansion into digital solutions.Now Liberty AV Solutions carries several brands ofProfessional Installation products and services likeplates, panels, analog and digital devices, and evenrack and power management solutions.
Staying true to its origins, today Liberty continuesto develop and broaden its line of cable in order tobetter provide installers with the products requiredto get every job done right and on time. Beyond asteady stream of new innovations, Liberty offersa number of value-added services and customerfocusedsolutions that make it the only logicalchoice when it comes time to choose a full-servicebusiness partner.
Bulk Cable
Custom Assembled cables
Pre-Made cables
HDMI cable solutions
Connectors & Adapters
installation Accessories
Professional tools
Power Management
The Liberty portfolio
Liberty AV Solutions
Your best source for pro AV solutions
Gary Michelson founded Liberty Wire & Cable in1991 with only a receptionist, a plan and a dream. Hesuccessfully started selling bulk cable and within ayear was growing his staff as well as his reputation forquality products.
Soon a house remodeling project presented Gary withhis first revolutionary product innovation. In every roomhe saw many cables for many uses but all with the samecolor which made it time-consuming and difficult forinstallers to keep track of their cables.
Why not, he thought, differentiate cable function withdifferent colors. Soon an industry standard was born.Liberty infamously went national with colored cableat the very next CEDIA Expo and created a hit not justfor the genius of its color coding, but also its durable,flexible, easy-to-pull jacket.
By 1998 Liberty started exporting products andcontinued to grow. Building on success, Liberty widenedits cable product range with pre-mades, connectors,custom and stock plates & panels, tools, racks, andpower management solutions.
A big milestone for Liberty was entering thebroadcast market and rising quickly in prominenceto become a trusted cable supplier for World CupSkiing in 2000 and 2001 and for the Olympicsin 2002.
In 2010 Liberty Wire & Cable became Liberty AVSolutions which kept the well respected brandof Liberty Wire & Cable for their cable productsbut allowed easy expansion into digital solutions.Now Liberty AV Solutions carries several brands ofProfessional Installation products and services likeplates, panels, analog and digital devices, and evenrack and power management solutions.
Staying true to its origins, today Liberty continuesto develop and broaden its line of cable in order tobetter provide installers with the products requiredto get every job done right and on time. Beyond asteady stream of new innovations, Liberty offersa number of value-added services and customerfocusedsolutions that make it the only logicalchoice when it comes time to choose a full-servicebusiness partner.
Bulk Cable
Custom Assembled cables
Pre-Made cables
HDMI cable solutions
Connectors & Adapters
installation Accessories
Professional tools
Power Management
The Liberty portfolio