Packaging instructions
Once you received a RMA number or Call Ticket number from our B2B contact center, please label it on each failed part and on the box before it will be shipped to our ASC.
The parts must be packed with proper insulation to prevent damage during shipment. If possible, use the original box and packaging of failed part. On every box being returned, include the following written in English:
- A shipping label with both the origin and shipping address
- RMA number (Call Ticket number) or Project code
- Contact Info (name, email/phone)
- Model & Part Info
- Descriptions
Please use the packing box below for shipping the Led tiles.
- BN69-15686A (Box unit)
- BN69-15688A (Pad-DP bottom EPP-T)
- BN69-15689A (Pad-DP bottom EPP-B)
- 6902-000314 (Bag Air cap)